Barrhaven Clinic

Merivale Clinic

Chemical Peels

Osteopathic treatment

Chemical Peels

Osteopathic treatment

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It withstands tremendous exposure to elemental factors: sun, wind and extreme temperatures as well as effect of internal and topical nutrient and moisture deficiency. Chemical peels are designed to correct as well as defend the skin form the impact of these factors. They exfoliate while replacing essential nutrients. They work the best when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle which includes proper sleep, nutrition, intake of sufficient levels of high quality water, exercise, supplements and stress management, avoidance of smoking and moderation of alcohol.

Salicylic Peels These are highly effective peels and most aggressive of all peels targeted to exfoliate the superficial layers of dead skin cells. Available in 30% solution, they are excellent for acne/oily skin types but can be used with very positive results on all skin categories. They are non invasive and require no recovery times. SPF must be used and make up can be applied following the peel.

Lactic Peels These are specially designed for sensitive/dry skin but are effective for element exposed skin as well. They are non invasive and require no recovery time. SPF must be used and make up may b applied following the peel.

Glycolic Peels They leave the skin deeply clean and smooth in texture. They are available in 10 – 30% concentration and used on element exposed/Normal or acne/oily skin. They are non invasive and require no recovery time. SPF may be used and make up can be used after the application.


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