Physiotherapy is a branch of science that works on reducing pain and improving or maintaining mobility, flexibility, strength and physical function by the means of using manual therapy, exercise programs and physical modalities. Rehabilitation is the means of regaining function after an accident, trauma, surgery, illness or hospitalization.
A Physiotherapist performs a detailed assessment in the first visit and based on the findings prepares a treatment plan and establishes goals. The subsequent visits consist of a customized treatment plan to achieve optimal results. The physiotherapist maintains a patient-centered approach and focuses on the underlying root cause of the problem.
Physiotherapist programs to improve overall muscle strength, coordination, balance, cardiovascular function and maintain bone and muscle strength in areas more vulnerable to tears, sprains and fractures. Physiotherapy can be beneficial to people of all ages and is used for ages ranging from young children to elderly people.
Physiotherapists have the skills and abilities to assess, diagnose and treat conditions based on musculoskeletal, neurological, cardio respiratory and other systems of the body. Stayfit Physio and Spinal Decompression Centre specializes in various physiotherapy treatments in Ottawa, including:
Physiotherapy can help in many conditions, including but not limited to: –
- TMJ (Jaw pain) Physiotherapy,
- Vertigo Physiotherapy and Vestibular Rehab
- Herniated disc physical therapy treatment,
- Concussion Physiotherapy,
- Physiotherapy for pain management like Back pain physiotherapy, sciatica pain physiotherapy, Physiotherapy for Headaches and neck sprain/strain, Plantar Fasciitis
- Physiotherapy for Arthritic conditions like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout
- Chest Physiotherapy for Cystic fibrosis, Bronchiectasis, Pneumonia and lung congestion
- Neuromuscular disorders like Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, facial palsy, trigeminal neuralgia
- Post surgery Physio therapy treatment for knee or hip joint replacement surgery, spinal or abdominal surgery, post fracture surgeries, shoulder rotator cuff repairs, tendon and ligament repair surgeries, shoulder dislocation surgery
- Sports Physiotherapy entails treatment for sports injuries varying from muscle sprains and strains, fractures, concussion, dislocated shoulder/ joints, knee injuries like ACL and meniscus tears, rotator cuff tears, Achilles tendon injuries, runner’s knee, stress fractures, tennis elbow and more. In addition to treatment for these conditions, the physiotherapist also provides preventive and proprioception physiotherapy plans to restore muscle strength and prevent further injuries.
Physiotherapist also assists in conducting In-Home assessment for adaptive devices and safety equipment like bed rails, bathroom equipment, transfers devices as well as in-home physiotherapy treatments.
Physiotherapists can also assist in completing the paperwork for ADP and assist in applying for funding for assistive mobility devices like 4 wheeled walkers.
Physiotherapy services are covered by most Insurance companies. We accept Motor vehicle accident and provide WSIB physiotherapy for workplace injury rehab in Ottawa.
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