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Massage Therapist Ottawa


Massage Therapist Ottawa
Acupuncture Therapy in Ottawa for Stress and Anxiety

Acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine that focuses on healing the body by inserting fine needles in specific trigger points determined by Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is an ancient science-based on clearing energy channels associated with different organs of the body. Assessment includes detailed physical examination, lifestyle assessment, medical history. Acupuncturists then use special fine needles in areas corresponding to the blockage of these energy channels.

At Stayfit Physio and Spinal Decompression Centre, Ottawa, the Acupuncturist specializes in providing acupuncture treatment that can help in healing of all systems of the body including Fibromyalgia, Headaches and Migraines, Arthritis, low back and neck pain, dental pain, Chemotherapy symptoms, labor pain, Crohn’s disease and Colitis, Anxiety and Depression, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Vertigo, Plantar fasciitis, Sprains/Strains and Bursitis. Acupuncture can help with smoking cessation, sleep disorders, problems related to gastrointestinal issues, respiratory system, gynecological issues, asthma and much more including acupuncture for stress and anxiety and fertility acupuncture.

The registered acupuncturist at Stayfit Physio and Spinal Decompression Centre, Ottawa, incorporates many different techniques like Tuina therapy, Guasha therapy, and cupping. Acupuncture therapy in Ottawa is covered by most insurance companies.


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At Stayfit Physio, we offer outstanding service and personalized care for all your health and wellness needs. With two convenient locations, you can choose the one that suits you best. Whether you need physiotherapy, chiropractic care, or other specialized treatments, our dedicated team is here to support your journey to better health.

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